Foot Washing – A Picture of Forgiveness

jesus-foot-washingThe account of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet at the last supper (John 20:1-20) is one that is told often about the humility and servant heart of Jesus. The message that is shared is that we should be humble and serve others as Jesus served the disciples by washing their feet. In fact, Jesus commands us to do just that, to wash one another’s feet:

If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. (John 20:14)

I grew up in a denomination Continue reading

Sometimes they say “No”


Several years ago, I worked as a security guard in a shopping mall. The mall had a store that sold tickets to concerts and other events. Occasionally there would be an event that drew people to wait for hours, sometimes overnight to try to be the first to get tickets. Maybe you’ve done that yourself. It was during one of these ticket sales that I learned a valuable lesson about people. Continue reading

Nursery, That’s Not Ministry, Is It?

church-nurseryThere may be some people who just view the nursery as a place to put infants so they are not disruptive and so adults can focus on the worship service and the message. I’m sure that there are those who opt not to serve because they see the nursery as a place that contains crying children and possibly messy diapers. In fact, you may have heard about a sign that is posted in church nurseries which reads, “We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed” (1 Corinthians 15:51, NIV). Of course using the verse in this context is incorrect as the passage is referring to the rapture. I encourage you to read it in context, but it shows the view many hold of the church nursery implying that it is not a ministry, but a service the church provides. It saddens me when those in the church view the nursery in such a way.

Building a foundation of faith

So when does God begin to work in the life of an individual? In Scripture we see that God knows us in the womb, even before He forms us in the womb! (Isaiah 44:2, Jeremiah 1:5) Continue reading