How K-Cups Strengthened a Relationship

It’s not a religion, it’s a relationship. That’s the mantra that is becoming so prevalent in christian circles (yes, the word christian is lowercase on purpose). Can we get so caught up in semantics that we forget to set examples and actually work on building relationships with God and one another?

One of the relationships that can be difficult to keep healthy is marriage. It is the most intimate relationship we have here on earth with one another and the one that takes the most effort. There can be several reasons why it is  difficult to grow. One is because as humans, we are most often focused on ourselves, our own needs and desires.  Consequently, we put the needs and desires of others behind ours. Continue reading

The Secret to 30 Years of Marriage

Two gold rings - reflected candlesToday my wife and I celebrate 30 years of marriage. In a day where stats are disheartening for the continuation of marriage, many wonder how we lasted so long. Some ask in jest, some of a more serious nature. I have often thrown out a comment in jest to those questions, but now it is time to give the answer to how we have lasted 30 years.

There have been many difficult times, even today. Many enter marriage thinking things will always be great, with no conflict. That is not the way it is.  There was even a time when our marriage almost did not survive.

So what is the secret? It is not a secret, it is just that I think people tend to ignore it. Here it is…. Continue reading

Finally, Be Strong in the Lord

In Ephesians chapter 6, we see Paul talking about wearing the full armor of God so we may be able to withstand Satan’s schemes. As I was reading Ephesians recently, it struck me that I often heard people talking about the full armor of God, but not necessarily when it should be worn. I usually pictured David as he put on the armor to fight Goliath, needing to put on the armor of God when going out “into the world” to defend against the evils it held.

As I looked at Ephesians chapters 5 and 6, I noticed the leading up to where Paul talks about wearing the full armor of God he is talking about something very important: families!

Ephesians 5:22-33 talks of how husbands and wives should treat one another. Paul begins chapter 6 continuing the thought of family with children obeying their parents and fathers  not provoking their children. Paul then goes into the workplace (it is translated as slaves and master which has a bad connotation in U.S. culture and other nations, and could refer to employers and employees, supervises and workers, etc).  It is after that where Paul tells us to put on the full armor of God!

If Satan is going to attack, where is the best place? In our closest relationships. That is usually when we have our “guard down” because we are with people we trust and are comfortable. That makes the family and our workplace easy targets. Maybe that is why many “christians” get divorced or their families “fall apart”. They are not wearing the full armor of God at home. It gets heavy, it can be hard and we need a place to relax.

Another place I would add to this is in the church. We think that Satan cannot enter the church because it is “holy”. The truth is that we have all sinned and have yielded to Satan’s temptations and so as we, yes that’s you and I, enter the church, we bring that sinful nature with us.

May we remember to wear the full armor of God in our homes, in our workplace, in our churches and out in the world.

Finally, be strong in the Lord, where ever you may be.


Why I’m Opposed to Traditional Marriage

The title of this post probably catches you by surprise and you may be shutting me out before you even read this post. I don’t know, but I would ask that you read these thoughts and comment.

a_happy_marriage_pictureBefore I’m “stoned”, I need to say that I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. So why am I opposed to traditional marriage? When we speak to people who do not know Christ, we need to speak in a way they can understand and relate. Several churches offer two types of worship services: traditional and contemporary.

Who is the traditional service targeted? Who is the contemporary service targeted? Correct me if I’m wrong, Continue reading